

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Two One Two Defense

  • The 2-1-2 Zone Defense is a typical arrangement seen on numerous b-ball courts over the globe. The 2-1-2 Zone Defense gives priceless help to border players with a guarded player dependably situated in a solid help position.

  • The 2-1-2 Zone Defense is an incredible decision if your group has a decent shot blocker or you are playing against a hostile group that hopes to run players through the center of the keyway. 
  • A key element of the 2-1-2 Zone Defense is the Five (5) securing the focal point of the keyway. This player is in a phenomenal position to help the other four safeguards in any position. 
  • The 2-1-2 Zone Defense is great against a two monitor confronted offense or an offense that hopes to misuse the center of the keyway. Against offenses that hope to spread the standard players, the 2-1-2 Zone Defense is less powerful and will require noteworthy turns to cover beneficiary spots. 
  • In examples where the offense hopes to spread the standard players,A 2-3 Zone is a superior alternative, however, permit the center player in the base of the zone to drift higher than the two players on either side. 
  • Like with all zone guards every player has a characterized region they are in charge of safeguarding, called a zone. In the chart over Two's (2) zone has been shaded to show the territory the player must protect which in the 2-1-2 Zone Defense.
  • On account of the ordinary situating of the players, the 2-1-2 Zone Defense should have particular standards for at first guarding an offense that has a player filling the point position. 
  • The remove a portion of the perplexity from this circumstance, one conceivable choice is to have the players in the highest point of the 2-1-2 Zone Defense (One and Two) begin in an "I arrangement" at first while guarding a ball as it comes into the half court. 
  • This will permit the best player (One) to watch the ball handler and after that on the primary go to either wing (Two) will guard the ball. 
  • The best players will then fall into the standard 2-1-2 Zone Defense situating. 
  • As the solid side is started the Five (5) moves to the edge of the key way. This is an essential development and position. Five (5) should appear to be in an open position confronting the ball handler. Five (5) must keep up a decent guarded position with arms expanded, this will influence a section to go into an objective inside the key way extremely troublesome. 
  • The players at the base of the 2-1-2 Zone Defense (Three and Four) will pivot towards the solid side of the floor as the ball is noticeable all around.

  • In the event that the ball was turned around back to the Point Position then One (1) would move to monitor the ball and Two (2) would fall in behind to watch the following go in either course. 
  • Every other player inside the 2-1-2 Zone Defense pivot back to their underlying beginning positions.

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